How Can E-Wallets Best Help You?

Nathan Kutete
3 min readDec 3, 2021

E-wallets, also known as Mobile wallets, or Digital wallets are software applications that use devices like mobile phones and computers to conduct transactions online.

Research Gate, in one of their online publication forums for researchers, has cited the immense impact e-wallets have had on the present generation and how this growth will only further burgeon into our future.

It is either now or never to jump on the bandwagon and get an E-wallet account of your own. Come the future, you may have missed much. If you are still getting cold feet and doubting the legitimacy of the whole thing, here are a few reasons to assure yourself that you are not getting a raw deal.

1. They are Fast and Convenient

Superfast transactions are the underlying feature of all digital wallets in today’s financial world. You make instant withdrawals anytime, and you can in turn receive payments anywhere at any place which is the highlight of convenience in the business world. Moreover, they are completely secure!

According to Northwestern Mutual, E-wallets may be better a safe keep for your money than that credit or debit card.

This is thanks to several identification procedures like biometric authentication, and OTP (One Time Password). When you lose your phone or replace your computer, these protocols secure your information safely in a virtual cloud until you have access again. The money in your phone and computer is already safer than that in your bank.

2. It is easy to track your financial History

Skrill, which is one of the leading E-wallet companies includes a history tab that lets you access all your financial history in one click. This is not exclusive only to Skrill and modern E-wallets like Neteller and Paypal have the same feature only a click away, together with complementary features like a budget planner, or a goal calendar.

This aids you greatly in monitoring your expenditure and lets you hit your financial goals by maximizing savings. Moreover, you can do this as many times as you need, especially when planning a budget for your money.

Another common feature of E-wallets is the basketfuls of offers and promotions that come with them. You get free online transactions when you sign up for a standard account, or a lifetime of discounts with a premium one. You are even given huge discounts while shopping for various items in select stores which can add up to one great service.

3. They Essential to online trading and Investment

Statistics by Freelancer Union have put 30 to 40% of the American workforce in freelancing. This means that there are at least three out of ten people in freelancing positions and those people need E-wallets. The numbers are only going up and in the future, every worker is poised to be a freelancer.

Digital companies like EasyStaff have not been left behind the trend. They are now offering freelancers a mouthwatering deal of transacting money directly to their e-wallets completely free.

Also, forex trading and exchange are already digitized. This fact makes it optimum for e-wallets, and right now, trading on these platforms requires you to at least have an e-wallet account. There really is no reason to put off any longer getting an e-wallet for yourself.

To conclude, e-wallets may be the latest frontier in keeping you in touch with your finances. However, as an individual, you still hold absolute sway over the flow of your money. Only by applying responsible trading practices to increase wealth, coupled with all the advantages, e-wallets offer, would the sky be the limit for you.



Nathan Kutete

Writer and Internet prenuer. Founder at Sinema Writer